Finding the Jivas in acute distress and delusion, and that they have deviated considerably from true Parmarth and are totally incapable of releasing themselves from the bondages of birth and death, the Supreme Being Radhasoami Dayal was moved with immense compassion. He incarnated Himself in this world in 1818 as Sant Sat Guru, in the form of Param Purush Puran Dhani Soamiji Maharaj and revealed an easy and simple path for the salvation of Jivas.
  RADHA is the name of the Dhun (reverberation) and SOAMI is the Shabd (sound). Know that Dhun and Shabd are one and the same, like water and its wave. Make no distinction between the two. RADHA is the lover and SOAMI, the beloved. RADHASOAMI sings of the union of Surat and Shabd. RADHA is the Name of the Adi (primal) Surat and SOAMI is the Adi Shabd. RADHA and SOAMI form an inseparable pair like Surat and Shabd. Know that both Radha and Soami are one word RADHASOAMI. As Surat dallies with Shabd, so does RADHA abide in close union with SOAMI.
   "Radhasoami" is the true and real name of the Supreme Creator. The goal of the Radhasoami Faith is the only true goal; of true and perfect salvation which can be attained only by practising Surat Shabd Yoga (union of spirit with sound current). As per Radhasoami Faith, the entire creation is divided into three divisions.
  • Spiritual: The First or the Highest Division is called Sat Desh or Dayal Desh (region) where pure spirit, uncontaminated by mind and matter, exists. It is comprised of six sub-divisions.
  • Spiritual-material: The Second Division is called the Brahm Desh or Brahmand where highest and pure form of mind and subtle matter exist with spirit; the latter predominates. It is also comprised of six sub-divisions.
  • Material-spiritual: The Third Division is called Jiva Desh or Ichchha Desh or Pind Desh or simply Pind where matter is coarse and impure, and spirit is feeble and to a certain extent under the control of the forces of mind and matter. It is also comprised of six sub-divisions.
  The above three grand divisions of the universe have a correspondence, or are on the same plane, with similar divisions in the human body, which is a miniature (microcosm) of the universe (macrocosm). The deliverance of spirit from the bondage of mind and matter, i.e., the body and senses, and its gradual ascension and eventual entrance into the First or Highest Division, by the practice of Surat Shabd Yoga, is perfect salvation. The seat of the spirit in the human body is at the top of material-spiritual division (Pind). The Supreme Father, Radhasoami Dayal, is a boundless ocean of spirit, love and bliss. The spirit entity is a drop from this ocean or a ray of the Supreme Sun and in essence is the same as the Supreme Father. Having descended from the Highest or First Region, the Surat (spirit) has, in its present state, become encased in material coverings and, in a manner, intermingled with matter and is, in the Third Region, subject to the forces resulting from such mixture. It has thereby lost its innate powers of discrimination and intelligence, and has become subject to carnal desires and passions. As long as it remains in the Second and Third Divisions where mind and matter exist, it cannot be freed from future births in the lower or higher regions. It is only in the First or the Highest Division where mind and matter do not exist that there is no re-birth. There is an everlasting conscious state of love and bliss. Radhasoami Faith is not based on the scriptures appertaining to any religion but on the precepts or sayings of the Sant Sat Gurus. The holy name "Radhasoami" is not identical with any other name. Radhasoami Faith consists of four essentials:
  • Sant Sat Guru: The personification of the Supreme Being. Sant Sat Guru or Sat Guru is He who has either descended directly from the Highest Division or reached that region by the practice of Surat Shabd Yoga under the immediate direction of the former and has become one with Him.
  • Sat Shabd: The sound proceeding from the original source, i.e., Sat Desh. It undergoes some change, or in other words, is enveloped in coverings at every step in its descent.
  • Satsang: As without Sant Sat Guru there can be no Satsang, the word "Satsang" always connotes, to a votary, association of Sant Sat Guru who is the central pivot on which the entire Faith hinges. Satsang can also be held in the company of loving devotees. This is outward or external Satsang. Internal Satsang is the company of spiritual current within. It consists in listening to the spiritual sounds internally.
  • Sat Anurag: Also known as true love or Prem. Radhasoami Faith consists only in cultivating an affection, or rather an intense love, for the Sant Sat Guru. The relation between the Sant Sat Guru and the Satsangi or devotee is purely of spirit or holy love, love to begin with, love to go on with and love to end with, the purity and intensity of love varying, of course, with the progress a devotee makes in his journey on the inward and upward path.
  Public preaching or propaganda is neither recognized nor allowed in the Radhasoami Faith. The two important doctrines of Sant Mat are (i) Firstly, that Sants generally do not interfere with the well-defined laws of eradication of Karams of Jivas, except in rare and specially deserving cases, (ii) Secondly, Sants do not make their advent here for the fulfilment of worldly desires of Jivas. The practice of Radhasoami Faith (Surat Shabd Abhyas) can be performed in the human frame alone. As such it is also necessary to maintain the human body.

Recommendations - English Books

  1. Initial reading for newcomers
    1. Radhasoami Faith History and Tenets by S.D Maheshwari. Read here
    2. Phelp's notes (Notes of discourses delivered by Babuji Maharaj). Read here
    3. Radhasoami Mat Prakash by Huzur Maharaj. Read here
    4. Sar Bachan Prose by Soamiji Maharaj. Read here
    5. Correspondence with certain Americans (6 Volumes)
      1. Volume 1. Read here
      2. Volume 2. Read here
      3. Volume 3. Read here
      4. Volume 4. Read here
      5. Volume 5. Read here
      6. Volume 6. Read here
  2. Information on dissentient groups.
    1. Truth Unvarnished - Parts 1 and 2.
      1. Part 1. Read here
      2. Part 2. Read here
  3. Religion explained on scientific lines.
    1. Discourses on Radhasoami Faith by Maharaj Saheb. Read here
  4. Poetry.
    1. Sar Bachan Radhasoami Poetry by Soamiji Maharaj (2 Volumes)
      1. Volume 1. Read here
      2. Volume 2. Read here
    2. Prem Bani by Huzur Maharaj (4 Volumes)
      1. Volume 1. Read here
      2. Volume 2. Read here
      3. Volume 3. Read here
      4. Volume 4. Read here
  5. Discourses of Sant Sat Gurus.
    1. Sar Bachan Prose by Soamiji Maharaj( 1 volume in two parts). Read here
    2. Prem Patras (6 Volumes) by Huzur Maharaj.
      1. Volume 1. Read here
      2. Volume 2. Read here
      3. Volume 3. Read here
      4. Volume 4. Read here
      5. Volume 5. Read here
      6. Volume 6. Read here
    3. Discourses of Maharaj Saheb (1 Volume). Read here
    4. Discourses of Babuji Maharaj (6 Volumes)
      1. Volume 1. Read here
      2. Volume 2. Read here
      3. Volume 3. Read here
      4. Volume 4. Read here
      5. Volume 5. Read here
      6. Volume 6. Read here
  6. Biographies.
    1. Soamiji Maharaj. Read here
    2. Radhaji Maharaj. Read here
    3. Huzur Maharaj. Read here
    4. Maharaj Saheb. Read here
    5. Buaji Saheba. Read here
    6. Babuji Maharaj. Read here
    7. Santdas ji. Read here
    8. Nirmal Das ji. Read here
  7. Life sketches of devotees of R.S Faith and other sages. (To be uploaded))
    1. Bhaktmal of the Radhasoami Faith by S.D.Maheshwari. Read here
    2. Sants, Sadhs, Mahatmas and devotees of the past by S.D.Maheshwari. Read here
  8. Singing Hymns in English (Roman letters)
    1. Artiyan. Read here
    2. Niyamawali - For daily recitation. Read here
  9. Dictionary of spiritual words.
    1. Glossary. Read here

Recommendations - Hindi Books (हिंदी किताबें)

  1. प्रारंभिक.
    1. राधास्वामी मत प्रकाश - हुजूर महाराज. Read here.
    2. सार बचन बार्तिक - स्वामीजी महाराज. Read here
    3. राधास्वामी मात दिगदर्शन. Read here
    4. हुज़ूरी चित्तियाँ भाग 4. Read here
  2. वैज्ञानिक रीति से वैख्या. (To be uploaded)
    1. राधास्वामी मत पर प्रवचन - महाराज साहब. Read here
  3. पद्य
    1. सार बचन Chand band - 2 भाग.
      1. भाग 1 - Read here
      2. भाग 2 - Read here
    2. प्रेम बानी - 4 भाग. Read here
      1. भाग 1 - Read here
      2. भाग 2 - Read here
      3. भाग 3 - Read here
      4. भाग 4 - Read here
  4. बचन
    1. सार बचन Bartik - स्वामीजी महाराज. Read here
    2. प्रेम पत्र - 6 भाग - हुजूर महाराज.
      1. भाग 1 - Read here
      2. भाग 2 - Read here
      3. भाग 3 - Read here
      4. भाग 4 - Read here
      5. भाग 5 - Read here
      6. भाग 6 - Read here
    3. बचन महाराज साहब - 1 भाग. Read here
    4. बचन बाबूजी महाराज
      1. भाग 1 - Read here
      2. भाग 2 - Read here
      3. भाग 3 - Read here
      4. भाग 4 - Read here
      5. भाग 5 - Read here
      6. भाग 6 - Read here
    5. जीवन चरित्र.
      1. जीवन चरित्र स्वामीजी महाराज. Read here
      2. जीवन चरित्र राधाजी महाराज. Read here
      3. जीवन चरित्र हुजूर महाराज. Read here
      4. जीवन चरित्र महाराज साहब. Read here
      5. जीवन चरित्र बुआजी साहब. Read here
      6. जीवन चरित्र बाबूजी महाराज. Read here
      7. संतदास जी. Read here
    6. सत्संगी एवं संत, साध व महात्माओं के जीवन चरित्र.
      1. नूतन भक्तमाल. Read here
      2. राधास्वामी मत ki भक्तमाल. Read here
    7. शब्दकोश.
      1. शब्दकोश संत मत बानी. Read here

    © 2025 MAHESHWARIs, Soami Bagh, Agra, UP, India


You can find the dates of the festivals of Radhasoami Faith, daily Satsang timings and the link to listen to the live Satsang.


Given below are the dates of festivals as per Radhasoami Faith in Calendar year 2025.

01st January 2025 Wednesday New Year (Nutan Varsh)
02nd Fenbruary 2025 Sunday Basant Panchami
(Establishment of Radhasoami Satsang in 1861 on this day)
14th March 2025 Friday Holi Satsang
12th May 2025 Monday Bhandara Buaji Maharaj (Buddha Poornima)
12th June 2025 Thursday Asadh Badi Padiwa
(Day of departure of Soamiji Maharaj)
10th July 2025 Thursday Guru Purnima
16th August 2025 Saturday Bhandara Soamiji Maharaj (Janmashtami)
(Date of birth of Soamiji Maharaj)
01st October 2025 Wednesday Bhandara Maharaj Saheb
22nd October 2025 Wednesday Bhandara Babuji Maharaj
25th December 2025 Thursday Bhandara Huzur Maharaj


Daily live Satsangs and already broadcast Satsangs of Soami Bagh, Agra are available online at:
Live Satsang is meant for Satsangis of Radhasoami Satsang, Soami Bagh, Agra only and needs login credentials to access. Satsangs can be listened on Desktop computers, Laptops and all handheld devices like Tablets, Mobiles, etc..


Daily Satsang timings held at Soami Bagh, Agra & Soami Bagh, Varanasi are given below.
Note: The timings are approximate and vary slightly with season.

Agra Time (GMT+5:30) Remarks
Samadh 06:00 AM – 07:00 AM
Kothi 08:15 AM – 09:15 AM
Kothi 05:30 PM – 06:15 PM
Bhajan Ghar 08:30 PM – 09:30 PM
Radha Bagh 05:30 PM – 06:30 PM On 20th and 5th of every month

Varanasi Time (GMT+5:30)
Maharaj Saheb's Samadh 08:30 AM on Sunday, 08:00 AM on weekdays
Maharaj Saheb's Samadh 06:15 PM daily

© 2025 MAHESHWARIs, Soami Bagh, Agra, UP, India


  When Radhasoami Dayal incarnated on this earth in the form of Param Purush Puran Dhani Soamiji Maharaj, He brought with Him five Surats also known as ‘Nij Ansh’ viz. (i) Radhaji Maharaj, (ii) Huzur Maharaj, (iii) Maharaj Saheb, (iv) Buaji Saheba and (v) Babuji Maharaj. By 1861 all These Surats were present together on this planet. An introduction of all These Surats is given below. The details for each of Them can be found in Their respective biographies.


  Param Purush Puran Dhani (The Most Supreme and the Most Perfect Being) Soamiji Maharaj is the first Sant Sat Guru and the August Founder of Radhasoami Faith. He was born at Panni Gali, in the city of Agra, on the night of the eighth day of the dark half of Bhadon (Janmashtami), at half past twelve, in the year 1875 of Vikram Calendar (corresponding to night between 24th-25th August, 1818 A.D.). He was the Perfect Incarnation of Radhasoami Dayal and had made advent in this world to awaken and redeem the Jivas. Read More..


Radhaji Maharaj was one of the Nij Anshas that Soamiji Maharaj brought along with Him. But She did not function as a Sant Sat Guru. However, Her role was quite significant. Radhaji Maharaj's name was Narain Dei. At the time of marriage Soamiji Maharaj said of Her that by virtue of Her high spiritual status and affinity to Him, She was destined to be with Him; so let the marriage be performed. Later on, He said that She was a Nij Ansh and came with Him from the August Abode; She was Radha, Nij Adi Dhar. So She should be addressed as Radhaji. Read More..


  Huzur Maharaj was the second Sant Sat Guru of the Radhasoami Faith. He succeeded Soamiji Maharaj. Huzur Maharaj was born at half past four in the morning on Friday, the 14th March 1829, at Pipal Mandi, in a Kayasth family. The duration of pregnancy in woman is usually nine months. Huzur Maharaj was however born after eighteen months and the body too was developed as of a child of eighteen months. But nothing unusual was felt by the revered mother. Read More..


  Maharaj Saheb was the third Sant Sat Guru of the Radhasoami Faith. He was born in Piyari Kalan, Kabir Chaura, Varanasi, on Thursday, the 28th March 1861. Maharaj Saheb's name was Brahm Shankar. Huzur Maharaj had given Maharaj Saheb the Parmarthi name 'Premanand'. Read More..


  Buaji Saheba was the elder sister of Maharaj Saheb. She was elder to Maharaj Saheb by four years and functioned as the fourth Sant Sat Guru of Radhasoami Faith. Her actual name was Maheshwari Devi. Read More..


  Babuji Maharaj was the fifth and the last manifest Sant Sat Guru of Radhasoami Faith. Babuji Maharaj was the last of the Nij Anshas who came in the time of Soamiji Maharaj. His life on earth coincided practically with the growth of Radhasoami Satsang established in 1861, the year of his birth. His association with the Satsang was the longest of all. So, with His departure at the ripe age of 88, closed the biggest chapter in the history of Radhasoami Satsang. Read More..


  In the Radhasoami Faith, great is the importance of the Sant Sat Guru of the time.
  "When the Sat Guru of the time departs, He appoints someone as His successor in whom He re-incarnates and thus continues the work of regeneration of Jivas as before……….Therefore, an earnest devotee should make no distinction between the previous Sat Guru and His successor. But those who are bigoted devotees will not come under the allegiance to the succeeding Sat Guru. For this reason, their progress will also stop at the stage they had reached during the time of the former Sat Guru and there would be no further progress and improvement". (Sar Bachan Radhasoami, Prose, Part-2, Bachan-250) Read More..

© 2025 MAHESHWARIs, Soami Bagh, Agra, UP, India


Photographs would be available soon

© 2025 MAHESHWARIs, Soami Bagh, Agra, UP, India


You can explore the complete collection of books in available languages here.

Description of books - here

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Related To

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Book NameAuthor/TranslatorLanguagePublicationRelated ToBook SummaryOptions
Sar Bachan Chhand Band - Part 1 Soamiji Maharaj Hindi RS Satsang Office Soamiji Maharaj Empty Read Online   
Sar Bachan (Poetry) - Part-1 Sant Das Maheshwari English Maheshwari, NE-10 Soamiji Maharaj Empty Read Online   
Sar Bachan Chhand Band - Part 2 Soamiji Maharaj Hindi RS Satsang Office Soamiji Maharaj Empty Read Online   
Sar Bachan (Poetry) - Part-2 Sant Das Maheshwari English Maheshwari, NE-10 Soamiji Maharaj Empty Read Online   
Sar Bachan Bartik Soamiji Maharaj Hindi RS Satsang Office Soamiji Maharaj Empty Read Online   
Sar Bachan (Prose) - Part-1&2 Sant Das Maheshwari English Maheshwari, NE-10 Soamiji Maharaj Empty Read Online   
Aakhiri Bachan - Soami Ji Maharaj Soamiji Maharaj Hindi RS Satsang Office Soamiji Maharaj Empty Read Online   
The Last Utterances of Soamiji Maharaj Sant Das Maheshwari English Maheshwari, NE-10 Soamiji Maharaj Empty Read Online   
Mera Mat to Satnam aur Anami Ka Tha Sant Das Maheshwari Hindi Maheshwari, NE-10 Soamiji Maharaj Empty Read Online   
Elucidation of The Faith I had given out was that of Sat Nam and Anami Sant Das Maheshwari English Maheshwari, NE-10 Soamiji Maharaj Empty Read Online   


Here you can find the complete collection of audio renditions (by Satsangis) of (i) Discourses, poetry of all Sant Sat Gurus of Radhasoami Faith and (ii) Poetry of other Sants. The renditions are in Hindi language.
Note: In case of mobiles and laptops, few browsers do not support 'Open/Play online' feature. Hence clicking on play online will result into download of the content on laptop or mobile. It can then be accessed locally.


In the table below, you can listen to the audio renditions (by Satsangis) of Discourses of all Sant Sat Gurus of Radhasoami Faith. The renditions are in Hindi language.
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AuthorBook NameBachan No./TitleBachan SummaryDurationOptions
Soamiji Maharaj Aakhiri Bachan Soamiji Maharaj NA 08:21
Babuji Maharaj Bachan Babuji Maharaj, Part-1 Bachan-20, (Allahabad, 29-Oct-1931) 05:19
Babuji Maharaj Bachan Babuji Maharaj, Part-1 Bachan-43, (Allahabad, 17-Dec-1931) 05:40
Babuji Maharaj Bachan Babuji Maharaj, Part-1 Bachan-65, (Allahabad, 03-Feb-1932) 05:08
Babuji Maharaj Bachan Babuji Maharaj, Part-1 Bachan-01, (Agra, 01-Jan-1938) Relations as between master and servant, father and son, and husband and wife. Diwali (illumination) with Sants. 23-10-1938 00:08:47
Babuji Maharaj Bachan Babuji Maharaj, Part-1 Bachan-02, (Agra, 04-Jan-1938) The convictions of mind and its ego. 14:14
Babuji Maharaj Bachan Babuji Maharaj, Part-1 Bachan-03, (Agra, 09-Jan-1938) "Taking mind and Surat to the third Til by a process of 00:15:55
Babuji Maharaj Bachan Babuji Maharaj, Part-1 Bachan-04, (Agra, 14-Jan-1938) "The nature of the mind is such that it can experience 00:10:42
Babuji Maharaj Bachan Babuji Maharaj, Part-1 Bachan-05, (Agra, 21-Jan-1938) "The way to eradicate Karmas and to receive pardon for 00:10:55
Babuji Maharaj Bachan Babuji Maharaj, Part-1 Bachan-06, (Agra, 23-Jan-1938) "चाह सँवार मेल नित करती । जैसे शीर शकर के साथ ।। 00:10:32


In the table below, you can listen to the audio renditions (by Satsangis) of Poetry of Sants of Radhasoami Faith. The renditions are in Hindi language.
Note: In case of mobiles and laptops, few browsers do not support 'Open/Play online' feature. Hence clicking on play online will result into download of the content on laptop or mobile. It can then be accessed locally.

Shabd NameBook NameBachanShabdDescriptionDurationOptions
Aag Lagi Sansar Mein Prem Bani, Part - 4 41 34 04:29

Aaj Aaya Basant Naveen Prem Bani, Part - 3 36 Basant Panchmi Satsang 09:10

Aaj Aayee Bahar Basant Prem Bani, Part - 3 36 Basant Panchmi Satsang 05:48

Aaj Aayee Surat Guru Aarat Dhar Prem Bani, Part - 2 12 33 05:32

Aaj Aayee Surat Hiye Bhav Dhar Prem Bani, Part - 2 12 63 02:39

Aaj Aayee Surat Hiye Prem Jagay Prem Bani, Part - 2 12 65 03:10

Aaj Aayee Surat Hiye Umang Badhay Prem Bani, Part - 2 12 62 03:48

Aaj Aayee Suratiya Bhav Bhari Prem Bani, Part - 2 12 29 03:33

Aaj Aayee Suratiya Dard Bhari Prem Bani, Part - 2 12 60 04:41

Aaj Aayee Suratiya Rang Bhari Prem Bani, Part - 2 12 31 04:05


SANT BANI (Shabds of Sants before the advent of Soamiji Maharaj, the August Founder of Radhasoami Faith)

In the table below, you can listen to the audio renditions (by Satsangis) of Poetry of Sants of other Faith, before the advent of Soamiji Maharaj, the August Founder of Radhasoami Faith. The renditions are in Hindi language.
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Shabd NameAuthorCategoryPart of SankalanDurationOptions
Aai Gavanva Ki Sari Umari Abhin Mori Bari Kabir Das ji Yes

Aaj Suhag Ki Raat Piyari Kabir Das ji

Aao Sadho Hil Mil Guru Jas Gave Charan Das ji

Aap Mite Guru Mile Kabir Das Ji

Aarti Karun Garib Nawaz Teen Lok Paltu Saheb

Aath Pahar Nirkhat Rahai Jaise Chand Chakor Paltu Saheb

Ab Jag Fand Chhudao Jee Charan Das ji

Ab Se Khabardaar Raho Bhayee Kabir Das Ji

Ab To Nibhay Hi Banega Bahya Gahe Ki Laj Meera bai

Ab Tum Apni Oor Niharo Charan Das Ji



In the table below, you can see the the short video clips of various objects/things used by or belonging to Sant SatGurus. These are called as Relics.
Note: In case of mobiles and laptops, few browsers do not support 'Open/Play online' feature. Hence clicking on play online will result into download of the content on laptop or mobile. It can then be accessed locally.

Soamiji Maharaj Huzur Maharaj Maharaj Saheb
  1. Walking Stick of Soamiji Maharaj - View Online
  2. Soamiji Maharaj's Chanwar (fly whisk) - View Online
  3. Soamiji Maharaj's Spitoon - View Online
  4. Pieces from Achkan (Long Coat) of Soamiji Maharaj & Huzur Maharaj - View Online
  5. Hair of Soamiji Maharaj's Beard - View Online
  6. Shawl Piece of Soamiji Maharaj - View Online
  7. Piece of Shawl spead over Soamiji Maharaj - View Online
  8. Cloth piece sanctified by Soamiji Maharaj & Taveez (amulet) string of Babuji Maharaj - View Online
  9. Piece of cloth spread on Soamiji Maharaj and Huzur Maharaj - View Online
  1. Huzur Maharaj's Cap 1 - View Online
  2. Huzur Maharaj's Cap 2 - View Online
  3. Huzur Maharaj's Shirt - View Online
  4. Huzur Maharaj's Zari (with gold thread) Coat - View Online
  5. Huzur Maharaj's Hair - View Online
  6. Huzur Maharaj's Sock, Handkerchief and Shirt - View Online
  7. Cardamom Seeds & Charnamrit (water sanctified by washing of feet of the Sant Sat Guru) of Huzur Maharaj - View Online
  8. Huzur Maharaj's Mukhamrit (water sanctified by Sant Sat Guru’s ablution of His mouth) - View Online
  9. Huzur Maharaj's letter in Urdu - View Online
  1. Maharaj Saheb's Cap - View Online
  2. Maharaj Saheb's Kurta (Long, loose shirt) - View Online
  3. Maharaj Saheb's Hair & Nails 1 - View Online
  4. Maharaj Saheb's Hair & Nails 2 - View Online
  5. Maharaj Saheb's Letter to Babuji Maharaj - View Online
  6. Gulaal sanctified by Maharaj Saheb - View Online
Babuji Maharaj Miscellenous
  1. Slippers of Babuji Maharaj - View Online
  2. Babuji Maharaj's Morchhal - View Online
  3. Babujii Maharaj's Cap - View Online
  4. Babuji Maharaj's Tongue Cleaner - View Online
  5. Babuji Maharaj's Hair and Nails - View Online
  6. Babuji Maharaj's Mukhamrit - View Online
  7. Taveez string used by Babuji Maharaj - View Online
  8. Babuji Maharaj's Hair - View Online
  9. Flowers spread on Babuji Maharaj - View Online
  10. Piece of cloth spread on Babuji Maharaj - View Online
  1. Masks - View Online
  2. Hair and Nails - View Online
  3. Charnamrit - View Online
  4. Mukhamrit - View Online
  5. Sanctified Gulaal - View Online


You can explore the video clips related to Sant Sat Gurus and the various events of Radhasoami Faith.
Note: In case of mobiles and laptops, few browsers do not support 'Open/Play online' feature. Hence clicking on play online will result into download of the content on laptop or mobile. It can then be accessed locally.

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Video Clip NameVideo Clip SummarySizeDurationRemarksOptions
Babuji Maharaj This is an old but invaluable clip of Babuji Maharaj 343 MB 00:33:12 Play Clip   
Buaji Saheba Centenary This is a video of festivities during the centenary celebrations of Buaji Saheba in May 2013 800 MB 01:07:42 This clip has audio only towards the end Play Clip   
Panni Gali This is a short clip of Panni Gali 43 MB 00:04:10 This clip has no audio Play Clip   
Peepal Mandi This is a short clip of Peepal Mandi 50 MB 00:09:12 This clip has no audio Play Clip   
Soami Bagh, Benaras (Varanasi) This is a short clip of Soami Bagh, Varanasi 11 MB 00:01:40 This clip has no audio Play Clip   
Radha Bagh This is a short clip of Radhabagh 27 MB 00:02:19 This clip has no audio Play Clip   
Samadh This is a short clip of Holy Samadh 0 MB 00:00:00 Coming soon Play Clip   
Bhajan Ghar This is a short clip of Bhajan Ghar 0 MB 00:00:00 Coming soon Play Clip   
Kothi This is a short clip of Kothi (Babuji Maharaj's residence) 0 MB 00:00:00 Coming soon Play Clip   


You can explore the video poetry (Hymns) related to Sant Sat Gurus of Radhasoami Faith. These videos play the recitition of the hymn and also displays synchronized words in English, Hindi & Romanized text. It will help a Satsangi to recite the hymn along with the words.
Note: In case of mobiles and laptops, few browsers do not support 'Open/Play online' feature. Hence clicking on play online will result into download of the content on laptop or mobile. It can then be accessed locally.

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Video Hymn NameBook NameBachanShabdSpecial OccasionDurationOptions
Aaj Aaya Basant Naveen Prem Bani, Part - 3 36 Basant Panchmi Satsang 09:10 Play Video   
Aaj Aayee Bahar Basant Prem Bani, Part - 3 36 Basant Panchmi Satsang 05:48 Play Video   
Aaj Anand Raha Mauj Se Chahun Dis Chhaee Prem Bani, Part - 4 39 Marriage and Other Happy Occasions 03:25 Play Video   
Aaj Arti Karoon Suhawan Sar Bachan Poetry, Part-2 30 18 Arti Shabd 10:02 Play Video   
Aaj Badhawa Radhasoami Gaoon Sar Bachan Poetry, Part-1 4 2 Thanksgiving 04:57 Play Video   
Aaj Barsat Rimjhim Megha Kare Prem Bani, Part - 2 13 28 Sawan, Hindola and Jhula (Swing) 04:47 Play Video   
Aaj Chalo Bidesan Apne Desh Prem Bani, Part - 2 12 3 Illness and End Time or Death, Niyamawali 04:26 Play Video   
Aaj Chalo Piyari Apne Ghar Prem Bani, Part - 2 12 4 Illness and End Time or Death 04:14 Play Video   
Aaj Diwas Sakhi Mangal Khani Sar Bachan Poetry, Part-1 6 3 Bhandara of Maharaj Saheb 09:41 Play Video   
Aaj Gao Guru Gun Umang Jagay Prem Bani, Part - 2 12 37 07:14 Play Video   


You can browse through and listen to the Old Satsangs of 1970s and the subsequent Centenary Satsangs. These Satsangs will give you an idea as to how the Satsang was conducted at that time. The lead pathi (reciter) was Sh. Gauri Shankar Shukla. Bachans were read by Sh. Hira Lal ji and Roop Narain ji. This section also has Centenary Satsangs of Soamiji Maharaj (1978), Huzur Maharaj (1998), Maharaj Saheb (2007) and Buaji Saheba (2013).
Note: In case of mobiles and laptops, few browsers do not support 'Open/Play online' feature. Hence clicking on play online will result into download of the content on laptop or mobile. It can then be accessed locally.

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S. No.Holy Place & TimeDateRemarksDetailsOptions
1 Samadh (Morning) 1974-03-24 Regular Daily Satsang

2 Samadh (Morning) 1974-03-25 Regular Daily Satsang

3 Samadh (Morning) 1974-03-30 Regular Daily Satsang

4 Samadh (Morning) Date not available Regular Daily Satsang

5 Kothi (Morning) 1974-03-28 Regular Daily Satsang

6 Kothi (Morning) 1974-04-08 Regular Daily Satsang

7 Kothi (Morning) Date not available Regular Daily Satsang

8 Kothi (Evening) 1974-04-06 Regular Daily Satsang

9 Kothi (Evening) 1979-03-14 Regular Daily Satsang

10 Bhajan Ghar (Night) Date not available Regular Daily Satsang


Sounds of Higher Regions

All the following sounds can also be found in the folder here
Instrument Audio
घंटे की आवाज़ (The Bell)
शंख की आवाज़ (The Conch Shell)
मृदंग की आवाज़ (The Drum)
बादल की गर्जना (Thunder of Clouds)
किंगरी (The Fiddle)
सारंगी की आवाज़ (The Violin)
बांसुरी की आवाज़ (The Flute)
वीणा की आवाज़ (The Harp)


  The key Holy Places of Radhasoami Faith are located in Agra and Varanasi (Benaras).


Within Soami Bagh
  • Holy Samadh of Soamiji Maharaj
  • Bhajan Ghar (House of Devotion)
  • Kothi (residence) of Babuji Maharaj
Outside Soami Bagh
  • Samadh of Babuji Maharaj Radha Bagh
  • Gurudwara Panni Gali—birth place of Soamiji Maharaj
  • Huzur Maharaj’s Samadh at Pipal Mandi


  • Maharaj Saheb Samadh at Soami Bagh
Details of the Holy Places are given below.


  Soamiji Maharaj had His residence in the city. On account of charities and alms-giving, His house was all the time surrounded by beggars and mendicants whose number went on increasing. This caused much inconvenience and disturbance in Satang. Therefore, He decided to shift to some place outside the city. He stayed in several bungalows and houses in the outskirts but did not have the Mauj of a sojourn for more than 8-10 days in any one of them, as none of them was to His liking. Then He started moving out of the city at some distance away on Sukhpal (palanquin) which the Sadhus and Satsangis used to carry on their shoulders and visited various sites in the vicinity of the city of Agra. Finally, He approved a site, about three miles north of the city. There, He laid the foundation of a Bagh (garden) called Radhasoami Bagh or Soami Bagh. Read More..


  Holy Samadh is located in the premises of Soami Bagh, Agra. The construction of Samadh started in 1904 and continued till 1907. It was temporarily suspended from 1907 to 1923. Since 1923, the construction is going on uninterruptedly and the main dome has been completed in 2018. The total height of the whole structure is 193 feet. The four minarets are 104 feet high over the plinth of the main structure. Read More..


  Bhajan Ghar is located in the premises of Soami Bagh, Agra. Soamiji Maharaj visited Soami Bagh daily and returned in the evening. He used to perform Bhajan, take His meal, hold Satsang and distribute Prashad here. There was no room or house at this place at that time. There were thatched sheds only. Under one of such sheds, Soamiji Maharaj used to perform Bhajan, which is now known as Bhajan Ghar (House of Devotion).

  It is a place of special importance for performing spiritual practices. The devotee experiences greater bliss and his Surat ascends with some ease during Bhajan in Bhajan Ghar. It has been said by Babuji Maharaj that those who perform devotional practices in Bhajan Ghar, will get added grace and mercy of the Supreme father, Radhasoami Dayal. They will experience greater facility and ease in the proper performance of devotional exercises. It is so because Soamiji Maharaj performed Abhyas in Bhajan Ghar.


KOTHI (Residence) OF BABUJI MAHARAJ bottle

  Kothi of Babuji Maharaj is located in the premises of Soami Bagh, Agra. Babuji Maharaj lived in a rented house in Atarsooiya, Allahabad. A little further away, lived Maharaj Saheb. For about 40 years, Satsang was held in this lane. The number of Satsangis was increasing day by day. On the occasions of holidays and festivals, there used to be such a great rush that many people could neither get Darshan nor hear discourses properly. For office work, the space was not adequate. For lodging out station Satsangis, buildings were rented. Thus, hundreds of rupees were spent on rent every month. Ultimately, Babuji Maharaj decided to shift the Satsang headquarters from Allahabad to Soami Bagh, Agra. There were many requests and supplications from the Satsangis of Allahabad against this. Babuji Maharaj said that Huzur Maharaj had ordered Him to pass the last days of His life in Soami Bagh, Agra.

  The Kothi (house) of Babuji Maharaj had been constructed in Soami Bagh in 1922 itself. Babuji Maharaj arrived permanently in His Kothi at 7:30 PM on November 29, 1937. Babuji Maharaj's Kothi was His place of residence. It was here that Babuji Maharaj held Satsang and it was here that He left His mortal coil and departed to His Nij Dham. After the departure of Babuji Maharaj, four Satsangs are regularly held every day in Soami Bagh, of which two Satsangs, (one in the morning and one in the evening), are held at Babuji Maharaj's Kothi.



  Radha Bagh is located in Agra city, 2.5 kms from Soami Bagh. In Soami Bagh, when the Samadh built of red sand stone constructed by Huzur Maharaj was demolished in 1904, its stones and other materials were used in the construction of the Samadh of Radhaji Maharaj in Radha Bagh, where some portion of Her ashes has also been enshrined. The rest of Her ashes are with those of Soamiji Maharaj in the Samadh of Soamiji Maharaj in Soami Bagh, Agra. In Soamiji Maharaj's time, there was only a raised earth mound in Radha Bagh. When in Radha Bagh, Soamiji Maharaj used to sit on it and at times, perform Bhajan too.

  After Soamiji Maharaj's departure to His Original Abode, a platform and a room were built on this mound. In this act of Sewa, along with other Satsangis, Maharaj Saheb and Babuji Maharaj also took part, that is, they also carried basketfuls of earth dug up for the construction. The palanquin used by Soamiji Maharaj is also kept here. Once, on a specific occasion, Babuji Maharaj had observed that "Radha Bagh is not a picnic spot, rather it would be a place of worship". When Babuji Maharaj left His mortal coil, His last rites were conducted in Radha Bagh itself and subsequently His Samadh was also constructed in Radha Bagh. Since then, till today, evening Satsang is held on the 5th and on the 20th of every month is held in the Samadh of Babuji Maharaj at Radha Bagh, instead of His Kothi in Soami Bagh.



bottle   Panni Gali is a lane situated in Agra city, 6.5 kms from Soami Bagh. In this lane is a residence which is the place of birth and departure to eternal abode of Param Purush Puran Dhani Soamiji Maharaj and this is the place where He resided. Here, there is a small room within another room. This place has a special significance. Read More..

  It is at this place:
  • Where on Monday the 24th August 1818 Param Purush Puran Dhani Soamiji Maharaj was born.
  • Where for a number of years Soamiji Maharaj performed Abhyas.
  • Where on Sunday the 14th November 1858 took place the first historic meeting between Soamiji Maharaj and Huzur Maharaj.
  • Where Soamiji Maharaj initiated Huzur Maharaj.
  • Where on Friday the 15th February 1861, Soamiji Maharaj started General Satsang open to all.
  • Where in January 1874, Soamiji Maharaj initiated Babuji Maharaj.
  • Where on Saturday the 15th June 1878, Soamiji Maharaj left His mortal coil.
  It is said that during the period of Soamiji Maharaj, Panni Gali was in a very bad condition. At some places, there were pitfalls, at others there were slopes or inclines. The stinking water from the lavatories used to flow here, there and everywhere in the lane. There was always the danger of slipping and breaking one's limbs. The residential house of Soamiji Maharaj was also of kachcha bricks (made of unbaked bricks and mud) and small. In fact, Panni Gali, where Soamiji Maharaj assumed bodily form, established and held Satsang for years, was a place fit only for ardent lovers and true devotees like Huzur Maharaj who were totally oblivious of pitfalls and dirty drains in the lane. Babuji Maharaj was once pleased to declare that Panni Gali is really Prem Gali, that is, the lane of love.

  The old residential house of Soamiji Maharaj was demolished and reconstructed under the supervision of the late Sri Tota Ram, the Supervising Engineer of the Radhasoami Samadh Works. Babuji Maharaj had instructed Sri Tota Ram in the following words: "As Soamiji Maharaj was born and had resided and held His Satsang in this house for 60 years, every particle of it has been highly spiritualised. Every brick of this house is saturated with Shabd and Sound Current. Hence, not a single piece out of the broken fragments of this sacred house should be thrown away. Bricks, brick-bats, mortar and earth of this house should be used during the course of construction of this house along with new material ". The new house was completed in July 1916, much before the celebration of the first birth centenary of Soamiji Maharaj in 1918. Read Less..



  Pipal Mandi is an area situated in Agra city, 6.5 kms from Soami Bagh. This was the residence of Huzur Maharaj. The place where His house with a big gate now exists, had a high mound and open land. Huzur Maharaj purchased this land and built a splendid mansion on it with seven courtyards. This house is known as Huzuri Bhawan. Its construction was complete when Huzur Maharaj came over from Allahabad after retirement.

  Two houses adjacent to each other were purchased in front of Huzuri Bhawan in March 1893 for accommodating outstation Satsangis. They are known as "Prem Niwas". There are four or five courtyards and about forty big and small rooms. Another house just adjacent to Huzuri Bhawan in the north, formerly Mufid-i-am-School, was purchased in June 1896. This is Prem Bilas. When alterations, additions and repairs had been carried out, Huzur Maharaj left his residential house and shifted to Prem Bilas. He would go to His residential house occasionally, but sometime before His departure, he permanently resided in Prem Bilas. Prem Bilas means bliss of love. A lot of spiritual pleasure and enjoyment of Sant's company, discourses, Artis (ceremonial functions of prayer) Bhog and Bhandara feasts took place here.



  As in Soami Bagh, Agra, Soamiji Maharaj had pointed towards a mound, on which His Samadh is being built, and had observed that a Gurudwara would stand there, so also when the hall (Satsang-hall) was under construction in Soami Bagh, Varanasi, Maharaj Saheb had observed that He would hold Satsang there. The hall in Soami Bagh, Varanasi, where Satsang is held now-a-days, was under construction in Maharaj Saheb's time and the same was converted into His Samadh after His departure.

  On the north of the hall there is a platform like a stage, in the centre of which lies the Samadh of Maharaj Saheb, with sufficient space provided on either side for ladies to sit during Satsang (congregation). The balconies on the three sides of the hall facing the Samadh are also meant for ladies to sit during congregation. The iron gate of Soami Bagh was fabricated in Calcutta (now Kolkata). When the gate was being fixed up, the Maharaja (ruler) of Varanasi happened to pass that way in his horse driven carriage. Amazed to see such a big gate, he remarked that it was unbelievable that a gate bigger than that of his own palace existed in his State! When he was told that it was the Guru-Darbar (Guru's court), he bowed his head in reverence. It is said that even today when the ruler of Kashi and his heirs pass that way, they bow their heads down in reverence before Soami Bagh.


The day to day administration of Radhasoami Satsang is looked after by Central Administrative Council, Radhasoami Satsang, Soami Bagh, Agra, India. Secretary can be contacted at


Any seeker desiring initiation, should write to "The Secretary, Central Administrative Council, Radhasoami Satsang, Soami Bagh, Agra-282005, India" or email at to get the exact process and guidance. Seeker has to visit Soami Bagh, Agra and make a request to The Secretary, Central Administrative Council, Radhasoami Satsang, Soami Bagh, Agra, India of his/her intent.
Seeker is expected to confirm
  • He/She believes Radhasoami to be the true name of the Supreme Being.
  • He/She is willing to totally abstain from any animal food (including fish and eggs) and intoxicants of all types.
  • He/She is willing to give up all past faiths and beliefs, based on a proper understanding of Radhasoami faith.
  • He/She has read the following books so far
    • Discourses on Radhasoami Faith - Find here in English and here in Hindi.
    • Radhasoami Mat Prakash - Find here in English and here in Hindi.
    • Phelp's Notes - Find here in English.
    • Sar Bachan Prose (English) - Find here in English and here in Hindi.
Normally the seeker is required to visit Soami Bagh, Agra in person. In case he/she is not in a position to visit Soami Bagh, Agra for certain reasons, there is a provision for granting Initiation through letter in which case a senior Satsangi in the same region can meet and explain the modes of practice personally. This is granted only in exceptional circumstances.

BHENT (Offering at the Lotus Feet of Radhasoami Dayal)

Bhent can be offered in the Satsang office personally, or in the Bhent boxes provided at the Holy places, or by online transfer. There are various categories under which Bhent can be offered, like general Bhent, Bhandara Bhent, For Samadh construction etc. The account number for online Bhent can be obtained on request from Satsang office.
Satsang Authority Contact Details
Authorised Person e-Mail Id
Radhasoami Satsang,
Soami Bagh, Agra-282005 (UP)


Application for accommodation can be made by going to the "Home button of Soami Bagh Satsang app or and clicking on "Accommodation Request.
Limited air conditioned and non air conditioned accommodation is available in Soami Bagh, Agra and Soami Bagh, Varanasi. Kindly contact Secretary, Radhasoami Satsang, Soami Bagh, Agra, India.
Request for accommodation can also be mailed to

While writing/e-mailing, kindly mention all details like ID card number, Name of the primary contact person, residence address, contact number, email ID, number of people visiting, duration of stay and any special assistance, if required.


S. No. Source Distance from Soami Bagh Comments
1. Agra Cantt Railway station 10 kms
2. Delhi Airport 230 kms Distance by Road
3. Jaipur Airport 250 kms Distance by Road
S. No. Source Distance from Soami Bagh
1. Varanasi Bus Stand 3.0 kms
2. Varanasi Jn Railway station 3.5 kms
3. Varanasi Cantt Railway station 5.5 kms
4. Varanasi Airport 25 kms

For International travellers going to Soami Bagh, Agra, it is best to arrive at either
  • a. New Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport-Code DEL. Once you arrive at the airport, you can either
    • i. Hire a Taxi to Soami Bagh, travel time 4-6 hours depending on traffic. Cost approx Indian Rupees 6,000 - 10,000 depending on choice of vehicle chosen and chosen company
    • ii. Jaipur International Airport-Code: JAI. Once you arrive at the airport, you can Hire a taxi to Soami Bagh, Agra. Distance 250 km, Travel time will be 4-6 hours depending on traffic. Cost Indian Rupees 6000 - 10,000/- depending on choice of vehicle.
  • b. For International travellers going to Soami Bagh, Varanasi, it is best to arrive at Varanasi International Airport—Code: VNS. Once you arrive at the airport, you can hire a Taxi to Soami Bagh, Varanasi. Distance 25 km. Travel time will be about 1 hour depending on traffic. Cost Indian Rupees 1,500-3000 depending on choice of vehicle and chosen company.


  • a. International travellers that are not exposed to Indian food should try some vegetarian Indian food in their countries at some restaurants or at any other local Satsangi’s home before making their trip to India.
  • b. Indian food usually has a lot of spices and tends to be on the spicier end.
  • c. Prashad at Soami Bagh usually consists of sweets, salty snacks and tea during Bhandara days. The Bhog/Bhandara meals mostly consist of cooked vegetables, plain or fried rice, rotis (whole wheat crepes), puris or kachoris (fried flour dough plain or stuffed with lentils and spices), yoghurt and sweets.
  • d. Avoid uncooked vegetables or open cut fruits at street vendors out side Soami Bagh. Have only bottled water, either purchased from shops outside or specific taps in Bhandar Ghar.
  • e. In rare instances, if the Satsang meals are not being tolerated well, there is bread, butter, yoghurt, cheese, salty snacks, fruits etc, available outside of Soami Bagh.


Weather in Agra and Varanasi varies substantially with the season.
Click here to get the details of Agra from Wikipedia
Click here to get the details of Varanasi from Wikipedia


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